Welcome To Our Community!

Founded in 1990, Trees for Guelph has been facilitating planting in little pockets all over the city, over 175,000 trees and counting! And not just trees and shrubs, but herbaceous plants are also included to mimic how re-wilding would occur naturally. We plant native species found in the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Forest Region.

In the beginning, as our logo suggests, the early planting sites were primarily on the industrial lands around the outskirts of the city and the planters were high school students, employees or community volunteers.

Important Details:

We plant rain or shine or (hopefully not) snow.

This is an all-ages no previous experience required event. Bring a friend or your whole family. Drop by for as long as you can.

Plant one tree or a dozen.

Planting demonstrations run continuously throughout the planting sessions so come for as little or as long as you can. Learn all the techniques to plant for high survival rates.

Register on site on the day at the welcome table.

We will have shovels, buckets, mulch and water. And trees and shrubs and wildflowers.

You bring your energy, refillable water bottles and work gloves if you don’t like how the soil feels under your fingernails.

Please dress in layers, with sturdy footwear, long pants and high socks  are comfortable to work and have fun in.

We will transform the site in three hours with a new forest.

Are you a high school student wanting volunteer hours? Make sure to bring your log sheet so we can record your efforts.

We cannot do this without the incredibly generous support from our partners including the City of Guelph, Grand River Conservation Authority, TD Friends of the Environment, Copernicus Education Products, The Modern Bride, Kenvue, Rotary Club of Guelph, Rotary Club of Guelph South, Pollination Guelph, Royal City Brewing, Home Depot, RWDI, Stantec, Terraview Homes, OUAC, Rockway Mennonite Collegiate, Trillium Waldorf School, RJ Burnside, Guelph Building Supply, Upper Grand District School Board and Wellington Catholic District School Board.

About Us

We are a registered non-profit that enhances Guelph’s environment through tree planting and related projects, education and community leadership.

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Get Involved

Do you want to learn about trees and the environment? Community Planting Days are a great way to learn while doing. Lend a hand and make an impact by helping us plant trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants around the city. Bring a friend to one or all of our community planting days…

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Stay Connected

Want to stay connected with us and be notified of our upcoming planting events? Subscribe to our calendar on our events page and stay up to date on all the exciting things that we are doing within our city!