Trees for Guelph Operates Fall Tree Planting Campaign at WCDSB School Sites

Trees for Guelph Operates Fall Tree Planting Campaign at WCDSB School Sites

Trees for Guelph has provided trees, shrubs, and wildflowers in a fall tree planting campaign at Wellington Catholic District School Board school sites.

Retired WCDSB teacher Anne Holman is a founder and still a champion of Trees for Guelph sitting on the not-for-profit’s board of directors. Prior to forming Trees for Guelph, Holman would take her class at St. James and coordinate tree plantings with Bishop Macdonell as well as Our Lady of Lourdes. The project gained so much traction that they started Trees for Guelph.

Trees for Guelph has provided trees, shrubs, and wildflowers in a fall tree planting campaign at Wellington Catholic District School Board school sites.

Retired WCDSB teacher Anne Holman is a founder and still a champion of Trees for Guelph sitting on the not-for-profit’s board of directors. Prior to forming Trees for Guelph, Holman would take her class at St. James and coordinate tree plantings with Bishop Macdonell as well as Our Lady of Lourdes. The project gained so much traction that they started Trees for Guelph.

Operated still by a group of dedicated volunteers, the organization’s mandate is to seek out to improve the local environment and the understanding of this environment by undertaking educational tree planting. The organization has worked formally with WCDSB for the last three decades to bring nature into the learning environment.

“The overall idea is to re-think what school grounds look like, to create space for insects, birds, and animals, and allow nature to teach lessons to students,” said Peter Glaab, Healthy Active Living Resource Teacher at WCDSB.

With COVID protocols in place, it has been a welcomed event at our schools… (continue reading).


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